OpenSDP Analysis / Human Capital Analysis: Evaluation / Compare Distribution of Teacher Effects in Third Year
Examine the distribution of teacher effectiveness in a third year for teachers ranked most and least effective in the prior two years.
If you have sufficient sample size, you can restrict the sample to teachers in their third year at the agency to understand how performance of probationary teachers in their first two years compare to performance in the third year. ###Analysis
Choose the subject (math [m] or ela [e]) and school level (elem or middle) for the analysis. Note: to make multiple charts at the same time, put loops for subject and level around the analysis and graphing code. To include all grade levels in the analysis, comment out the local level command below.
local subject m
local level elem
use "${analysis}/Teacher_Year_Analysis.dta", clear
isid tid school_year
Keep years for which teacher effects value added estimates are available. Keep only records for which teachers have pooled teacher effects estimates (pooled estimates use information from all available years for each teacher). If school level restriction is chosen, keep only records from either elementary or middle schools.
keep if school_year >= 2012 & school_year <= 2015
keep if !missing(current_tre_`subject')
keep if !(sch_high == 1)
if "`level'" == "elem" {
keep if sch_elem == 1
if "`level'" == "middle" {
keep if sch_middle == 1
tab school_year
summ current_tre_`subject', detail
summ curr2year_tre_`subject', detail
Identify the most recent year a teacher is present in the data and tag as “year 3.”
egen max_school_year = max(school_year), by(tid)
gen year3 = max_school_year == school_year
drop max_school_year
tab year3, mi
Set time series structure and use lead operators to identify years 2 and 1.
tsset tid school_year
gen year1 = 0
gen year2 = 0
bysort tid: replace year2 = 1 if F.year3 == 1
bysort tid: replace year1 = 1 if F.year2 == 1
tab year2 year3, mi
tab year1 year3, mi
Keep a balanced panel which includes only teachers with observations for all 3 years.
bysort tid: egen balanced = max(year1)
keep if balanced == 1
drop balanced
unique tid
Assign teachers to quartiles based on two-year pooled teacher effects in year 2, and generate dummy variables for quartiles.
assert !missing(curr2year_tre_`subject') if year2 == 1
xtile quart_temp = curr2year_tre_`subject' if year2 == 1, nq(4)
bysort tid: egen quart = max(quart_temp)
tab quart if year2 == 1, mi
tab quart, gen(quart)
Drop records for years 1 and 2, reducing data to one record per teacher.
keep if year3 == 1
isid tid
sum tid
local unique_teachers = string(r(N), "%9.0fc")
forval quartile = 1/4 {
summ current_tre_`subject' if quart == `quartile'
local mean_q`quartile' = r(mean)
local diff = round(`mean_q4' - `mean_q1', .01)
local lnht = 8.5
local txtht = `lnht' + .5
local diff_pl = `mean_q1' + `diff' * .5
if "`subject'" == "m" {
local subj_foot "math"
local subj_title "Math"
if "`subject'" == "e" {
local subj_foot "English/Language Arts"
local subj_title "ELA"
local gradespan "5th through 8th"
if "`level'" == "middle" {
local subj_title "Middle School `subj_title'"
local gradespan "6th through 8th"
if "`level'" == "elem" {
local subj_title "Elementary School `subj_title'"
local gradespan "5th"
#delimit ;
twoway (pcarrowi `lnht' `mean_q4' `lnht' `mean_q1',
color(cranberry) mlwidth(medthin) lwidth(medthin))
(pcarrowi `lnht' `mean_q1' `lnht' `mean_q4',
color(cranberry) mlwidth(medthin) lwidth(medthin))
(kdensity current_tre_`subject' if quart == 1,
lcolor(navy) area(1)
xline(`mean_q1', lpattern(dash) lcolor(navy)))
(kdensity current_tre_`subject' if quart == 4,
lcolor(orange) area(1) lwidth(medium)
xline(`mean_q4', lpattern(dash) lcolor(orange))),
text(`txtht' `diff_pl' "`diff'", placement(0))
title("Distribution of `subj_title' Teacher Effects in Third Year", span)
subtitle("by Quartile Rank During Previous Two Years", span)
xtitle("Teacher Effects", size(medsmall))
xlabel(-.25(.05).25, labsize(medsmall))
legend(order(3 4) rows(1) label(3 "Bottom Quartile")
label(4 "Top Quartile"))
legend(symxsize(5) ring(1) size(medsmall)
region(lstyle(none) lcolor(none) color(none)))
graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white))
plotregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(5 5 2 0))
note(" " "Notes: Sample includes `unique_teachers' `gradespan' grade `subj_foot'
teachers with three years of teacher effects estimates in school" "years 2011-12 through
2014-15. Teacher effects are measured in student test score standard deviations, with
teacher-specific" "shrinkage factors applied to adjust for differences in sample
reliability.", span size(vsmall));
#delimit cr
graph save "${graphs}\Predictive_Tchr_Effects_Dist_`subj_title'.gph" , replace
graph export "${graphs}\Predictive_Tchr_Effects_Dist_`subj_title'.emf" , replace
Previous Analysis: Examine the Predictiveness of Teacher Effects