OpenSDP Analysis / Human Capital Analysis: Placement / Examine Student Prior Achievement and Teacher Experience
Examine how students are placed with teachers based on students’ prior performance and teachers’ experience.
Choose the subject (math or ela) and school level (elem or middle) for the analysis. Note: To change from math to ELA, switch the subjects in the next two lines. To make multiple charts at the same time, put loops for subject and level around the analysis and graphing code. To include all grade levels in the analysis, comment out the local level command below.
local subject math
local level middle
use "${analysis}\Student_Teacher_Year_Analysis.dta", clear
isid sid school_year
Keep years for which teacher effects value added estimates are available. Keep only records for which teachers have pooled teacher effects estimates (pooled estimates use information from all available years for each teacher). If school level restriction is chosen, keep only records from either elementary or middle schools.
keep if school_year >= 2008 & school_year <= 2011
keep if grade_level >= 5 & grade_level <= 8
keep if t_is_teacher == 1
keep if !missing(t_experience)
keep if !missing(cid_`subject')
keep if !missing(std_scaled_score_`subject', std_scaled_score_`subject'_tm1)
if "`level'" == "elem" {
keep if grade_level == 5
if "`level'" == "middle" {
keep if grade_level >= 6 & grade_level <= 8
tab school_year grade_level, mi
unique tid_`subject'
unique tid_`subject' school_year
bysort tid_`subject' school_year: gen tag = (_n == 1)
tab t_experience if tag == 1, mi
drop tag
table t_experience, c(mean std_scaled_score_`subject'_tm1)
codebook cid_`subject' tid_`subject' school_year t_experience ///
std_scaled_score_`subject' std_scaled_score_`subject'_tm1 ///
grade_level school_code
Create dummy variables for each year of teaching experience, putting all teachers with 10 or more years of experience in one group.
replace t_experience = 6 if t_experience > 5 & !missing(t_experience)
tab t_experience, gen(exp)
Create variable for grade-by-year fixed effects.
egen grade_year = group(grade_level school_year)
Define grade-by-year-by-school variable for fixed effects.
egen grade_year_school = group(school_code grade_level school_year)
Define 5 x 4 matrix to store results.
matrix results = J(5, 4, .)
matrix colnames results = across_school_coef across_school_se ///
within_school_coef within_school_se
Do regression of prior student math score on teacher experience. Sixth plus year teachers are comparison group.
areg std_scaled_score_`subject'_tm1 exp1-exp5, robust cluster(cid_`subject') ///
Identify other student variables to use as controls.
egen teacher_years = nvals(tid_`subject' school_year) if e(sample)
summ teacher_years
local teacher_years = string(r(mean), "%9.0fc")
egen unique_teachers = nvals(tid_`subject') if e(sample)
summ unique_teachers
local unique_teachers = string(r(mean), "%9.0fc")
egen student_years = nvals(sid school_year) if e(sample)
summ student_years
local student_years = string(r(mean), "%9.0fc")
egen unique_students = nvals(sid) if e(sample)
summ unique_students
local unique_students = string(r(mean), "%9.0fc")
Store coefficients in the first column and and standard errors in the second column of the results matrix.
matrix results[1, 1] = _b[exp1]
matrix results[2, 1] = _b[exp2]
matrix results[3, 1] = _b[exp3]
matrix results[4, 1] = _b[exp4]
matrix results[5, 1] = _b[exp5]
matrix results[1, 2] = _se[exp1]
matrix results[2, 2] = _se[exp2]
matrix results[3, 2] = _se[exp3]
matrix results[4, 2] = _se[exp4]
matrix results[5, 2] = _se[exp5]
Add school fixed effects to prior model to generate within school comparison.
areg std_scaled_score_`subject'_tm1 exp1-exp5, robust cluster(cid_`subject') ///
Put these values in columns 3 and 4 of the results matrix.
matrix results[1, 3] = _b[exp1]
matrix results[2, 3] = _b[exp2]
matrix results[3, 3] = _b[exp3]
matrix results[4, 3] = _b[exp4]
matrix results[5, 3] = _b[exp5]
matrix results[1, 4] = _se[exp1]
matrix results[2, 4] = _se[exp2]
matrix results[3, 4] = _se[exp3]
matrix results[4, 4] = _se[exp4]
matrix results[5, 4] = _se[exp5]
Clear data and replace with matrix contents. Add variable for year teaching.
svmat results, names(col)
gen year_teaching = _n
Concatenate coefficient and asterisk to use as value label.
foreach model in across_school within_school {
gen `model'_sig = abs(`model'_coef / `model'_se)
foreach var of varlist across_school_sig within_school_sig {
replace `var' = 0 if `var' < =1.96
replace `var' = 1 if `var' > 1.96
tostring `var', replace
replace `var' = "" if `var' == "0"
replace `var' = "*" if `var' == "1"
foreach model in across_school within_school {
gen `model'_string = string(`model'_coef, "%9.2f")
egen `model'_label = concat(`model'_string `model'_sig)
if "`subject'" == "math" {
local subj_title "Math"
local subj_foot "math"
if "`subject'"=="ela" {
local subj_title "ELA"
local subj_foot "English/Language Arts"
local gradespan "5th through 8th"
if "`level'" == "middle" {
local level_title "Middle "
local gradespan "6th through 8th"
if "`level'" == "elem" {
local level_title "Elementary "
local gradespan "5th"
Start loop through models to make and save across and within schools charts.
foreach model in across within {
if "`model'" == "across" {
local subtitle "Across `level_title'Schools"
if "`model'" == "within" {
local subtitle "Within `level_title'Schools"
Bar chart gives average score difference relative to 6th plus year teachers, while scatter plot places value and significance asterisk as marker label below bar. Marker symbol is invisible.
#delimit ;
twoway bar `model'_school_coef year_teaching,
barwidth(.6) color(navy) finten(100) ||
scatter `model'_school_coef year_teaching,
mlabcolor(black) ||,
ytitle("Difference in Prior-Year Test Scores", size(medsmall))
title("Difference in Average Prior `subj_title' Performance"
"of Students Assigned to Early-Career Teachers"
"Compared to Teachers with Six or More Years of Teaching", span)
subtitle("`subtitle'", span)
xtitle("Year Teaching", size(medsmall))
yline(0, lpattern(dash) lcolor(black))
yscale(range(-.4 .2))
ylabel(-.4(.1).2, nogrid labsize(medsmall))
graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white))
plotregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(5 5 2 0))
note(" " "*Significantly different from zero, at the 95 percent confidence
level." "Notes: Sample includes `gradespan' grade `subj_foot' teachers and students in
the 2007-08 through 2010-11 school years," "with `teacher_years' teacher years,
`unique_teachers' unique teachers, `student_years' student years, and `unique_students'
unique students. Test scores are measured in standard deviations.", size(vsmall) span);
#delimit cr
graph export "${graphs}/Prior_Ach_by_Exp_`subtitle'_`subj_title'.emf", replace
graph save "${graphs}/Prior_Ach_by_Exp_`subtitle'_`subj_title'.gph", replace