OpenSDP Analysis / Human Capital Analysis: Recruitment / Calculate the Share of Teachers Who Are New Hires



Describe the share of teachers in the agency who are new hires.

Required analysis file variables

  • tid
  • school_year
  • t_new_hire
  • t_novice

Analysis-specific sample restrictions

  • Keep only years for which new hire information is available.

Ask yourself

  • How is your workforce balanced between novice and veteran teachers? Is the ratio what you expected?
  • What are the major sources of novice new hires in your agency? Experienced new hires?
  • How does your recruiting strategy affect the composition of your teacher workforce?

Potential further analyses

You can use a pie chart like this one to examine the overall distribution of various characteristics of your teacher workforce. For example, you can use a pie chart to examine categorical variables such as teacher gender, race, or tenure status, or group continuous variables such as in-district experience, total teaching experience, or teacher age into three to seven categories and then display the share of teachers in each category.


Step 1: Load the Teacher_Year_Analysis data file.

use "${analysis}\Teacher_Year_Analysis.dta", clear
isid tid school_year

Step 2: Restrict the analysis sample.

Drop the first year of data, since new hires are not defined for that year. Drop records with missing values for variables important to the analysis.

keep if school_year > 2010
keep if !missing(t_new_hire)
keep if !missing(t_novice)
assert !missing(t_experience)

Step 3: Review variables.

tab t_new_hire, mi
tab t_novice, mi
tab t_novice t_new_hire, mi col

Step 4: Define a new variable which includes both novice and experienced new hires.

gen pie_hire = .
replace pie_hire = 1 if t_new_hire == 0
replace pie_hire = 2 if t_new_hire == 1 & t_novice == 1
replace pie_hire = 3 if t_new_hire == 1 & t_novice == 0
tab pie_hire, mi

Step 5: Calculate and store sample sizes for the chart footnote.

summ tid
local teacher_years = string(r(N), "%9.0fc")
    bys tid: keep if _n == 1
    summ tid
    local unique_teachers = string(r(N), "%9.0fc")

Step 6: Create a pie chart.

Footnote text is flush lect to allow wrapping lines without inserting tabs in footnote.

#delimit ;
graph pie, over (pie_hire) angle(-50)   
    pie(1, color(dknavy))
    pie(2, color(maroon))
    pie(3, color(forest_green))
    plabel(_all percent, format(%3.0f) color(white) size(*1.2))
    plabel(1 "Experienced" "Teachers", gap(30) color(black) size(medsmall))
    plabel(2 "Novice" "New Hires", gap(30) color(black) size(medsmall))
    plabel(3 "Experienced" "New Hires", gap(30) color(black) size(medsmall))
    graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white))
    plotregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(1 1 3 3))
    title("Calculate the Share of Teachers Who Are New Hires", span)
    note(" " "Notes: Sample includes teachers in the 2010-11 through 2014-15 
school years, with `teacher_years' teacher years and `unique_teachers' unique 
teachers." "Novices were in their first year of teaching.", size(vsmall) span);
#delimit cr

Step 7: Save the chart in Stata Graph and EMF formats.

graph export "${graphs}/Share_of_Teachers_New_Hires.emf", replace 
graph save "${graphs}/Share_of_Teachers_New_Hires.gph", replace 

Next Analysis: Examine the Share of New Hires Across School Years