OpenSDP Analysis / Human Capital Analysis: Recruitment / Compare the Shares of New Hires Across School Poverty Quartiles



Examine the extent to which new hires are distributed unevenly across the agency according to school characteristics.

Required analysis file variables

  • tid
  • school_year
  • t_new_hire
  • t_novice
  • school_poverty_quartile

Analysis-specific sample restrictions

  • Keep only years for which new hire information is available.

Ask yourself

  • How do hiring patterns differ between high and low-poverty schools?
  • Are the shares of novice and veteran hires distributed equitably and strategically across school poverty quartiles?

Potential further analyses

You can use a version of this graph to look at how new hires are distributed across other quartiles of school characteristics. For example, you can examine new hiring by school average test score quartile, or school minority percent quartile.


Step 1: Load the Teacher_Year_Analysis data file.

use "${analysis}\Teacher_Year_Analysis.dta", clear
isid tid school_year

Step 2: Restrict the analysis sample.

keep if school_year > 2010
keep if !missing(t_new_hire)
keep if !missing(t_novice)
keep if !missing(school_poverty_quartile)
keep if !missing(t_experience, t_veteran_new_hire)  

Step 3: Review variables used in the analysis.

tab school_poverty_quartile, mi
tab school_poverty_quartile t_novice, mi row
tab school_poverty_quartile t_veteran_new_hire, mi row

Step 4: Calculate sample size.

summ tid
local teacher_years = string(r(N), "%9.0fc")
    bys tid: keep if _n == 1
    summ tid
    local unique_teachers = string(r(N), "%9.0fc")

Step 5: Calculate significance indicator variables by school poverty quartile.

foreach var of varlist t_novice t_veteran_new_hire {
    gen sig_`var' = .
    xi: reg `var' i.school_poverty_quartile, robust
    forval quart = 2/4 {
        replace sig_`var' = abs(_b[_Ischool_po_`quart']/_se[_Ischool_po_`quart']) ///
            if school_poverty_quartile == `quart'
        replace sig_`var' = 0 if sig_`var' <= 1.96 & school_poverty_quartile ==`quart'
        replace sig_`var' = 1 if sig_`var' > 1.96 & school_poverty_quartile == `quart'
    replace sig_`var' = 0 if school_poverty_quartile == 1

Step 6: Collapse to calculate shares of new hires in each quartile.

collapse (mean) t_novice t_veteran_new_hire sig_*, by(school_poverty_quartile)
foreach var of varlist t_novice t_veteran_new_hire {
    replace `var' = 100 * `var'

Step 7: Concatenate values and significance asterisks to value labels.

foreach var of varlist t_novice t_veteran_new_hire {
    tostring(sig_`var'), replace
    replace sig_`var' = "*" if sig_`var' == "1"
    replace sig_`var' = "" if sig_`var' == "0"
    gen `var'_str = string(`var', "%9.0f")
    egen `var'_label = concat(`var'_str sig_`var')

Step 8: Get the total new hire percent for each year for graphing.

gen t_total = t_novice + t_veteran_new_hire

Step 9: Create a bar graph.

Use twoway bar and scatter for the labels.

#delimit ;
twoway (bar t_total school_poverty_quartile, 
        fcolor(forest_green) lcolor(forest_green) lwidth(0) barwidth(0.75))
    (bar t_novice school_poverty_quartile, 
        fcolor(maroon) lcolor(maroon) lwidth(0) barwidth(0.75)) 
    (scatter t_total school_poverty_quartile, 
        mcolor(none) mlabel(t_veteran_new_hire_label) mlabcolor(white) mlabpos(6)  
    (scatter t_novice school_poverty_quartile, 
        mcolor(none) mlabel(t_novice_label) mlabcolor(white) mlabpos(6)  
    title("Calculate the Share of Teachers Who Are New Hires", span) 
    subtitle("by School FRPL Quartile", span) 
    ytitle("Percent of Teachers") 
    ylabel(0(10)30, nogrid labsize(medsmall)) 
    xlabel(1 "Lowest Poverty" 2 "2nd Quartile" 3 "3rd Quartile" 4 "Highest Poverty", 
    legend(order(1 "Experienced New Hires" 2 "Novice New Hires")
        ring(0) position(11) symxsize(2) symysize(2) rows(2) size(medsmall) 
        region(lstyle(none) lcolor(none) color(none))) 
    graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) 
    plotregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(2 0 2 0))
    note(" " "*Significantly different from schools in the lowest free and reduced 
price lunch quartile, at the 95 percent confidence level." "Notes: Sample includes 
teachers in the 2010-11 through 2014-15 school years, with `teacher_years' teacher years 
and `unique_teachers' unique teachers."
"Novices were in their first year of teaching.", size(vsmall) span);
#delimit cr

Step 10: Save the chart in Stata Graph and EMF formats.

If marker labels need to be moved by hand using Stata Graph Editor, re-save .gph and .emf files after editing.

    graph export "${graphs}/New_Hires_by_Poverty_Quartile.emf", replace 
    graph save "${graphs}/New_Hires_by_Poverty_Quartile.gph", replace 

Previous Analysis: Examine the Share of New Hires Across School Years

Next Analysis: Examine the Distribution of Teachers and Students by Race